Precious Woods, a global leader in sustainable and certified tropical forest management, has launched the Precious Collection to "inspire and connect to a sustainable world through art and design".
Valeurs et engagements
Precious Woods, the parent company of Precious Collection, a pioneer in certified sustainable tropical forest management, is now recognised as the most influential company in the timber sector in the active fight against deforestation according to the 2020 Forest 500 ranking drawn up by the NGO Global Canopy.
Tropical forests continue to be massively converted into plantations or ranching lands under the pretext of economic development. Precious Woods' mission is to sustainably manage these ecosystems that are so vital to our planet in order to preserve them while offering virtuous development alternatives to the populations concerned.
The only company to have obtained the double certification FSC and PECF in its operations,...
Precious Collection, a line of new and creative products to raise awareness about the future of our planet, our forests and therefore our lungs.
En chiffres
Of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions related to deforestation and forest degradation
Of the world's known species live in tropical forests
UN SDG targets met by Precious Woods
Le mot du comité
Elisabeth Laville
Expert in sustainable development strategies, founder of Utopies
Developed by the Swiss company Precious Woods, which is dedicated to the sustainable management and preservation of tropical forests, this collection of raw furniture pieces designed with committed designers is a compelling tribute to the biodiversity, uniqueness and beauty of tropical forests.
forces et qualités
Sourcing, traceability and responsible supply chains
Environmental impact and energy consumption
Ethical and social commitments
L'anecdote de 1.618
The discovery of this company literally amazed us. We didn't know that it was possible to go so far, so well, on such complex subjects, with as first ambition (before finance)
The Common Good.
We will continue to work with Precious Woods to help raise awareness of the fundamental issues at stake in the preservation of forests and the communities that live off them.